Reader to Reader’s programs focus on two major areas: donations, and literacy education. Scroll down or click the buttons below to learn more!

Book Donations
Reader to Reader’s Book Donation Program has donated millions of books to schools and public libraries. We provide district-wide book donations for public schools in low-income areas, and state-wide donations for public libraries.

Computer Donations
New computers, including laptop and desktop computers, tablets and e-readers, are reserved for schools and projects already participating in Reader to Reader programs.
International Programs
Reader to Reader is pleased to have donated books and computers around the world.


Read, Think, Share
Partners students across the country, many in underserved communities, with college student mentors.
Blueprint for Success
A year-long program for high school students to explore their college options, prepare for standardized tests, and get a head start on their college applications.

Athena Interactive Literacy Program
A week-long workshop that works with pregnant and parenting teens in order to build their reading and writing skills, and to explore healthy eating and cooking.